Miniature rideable trains are popular with most park, resort, and mall investors due to their straddle riding style and affordable price. At Dinis amusement train manufacturer, we supply various sizes and styles ride on trains for sale with competitive prices.
So how much do miniature rideable trains for sale cost in our factory? Is there special offer for the final quote? If interested, follow us and learn more.
Small Rideable Trains Price Lists with Different Seats
Dinis mini ride on trains are 16 seats, 18 seats, 20 seats, and more. In common, it has 4 cabins, each for 5 seats. The number of the cabins can be increased or reduced based on your venue’s foot traffic and your special requirements. So the following shows price lists of our different sizes of miniature rideable train amusement rides for your reference.
For the miniature trains for sale with more than 20 seats, the price ranges from $13,000-$15,000 and even more, depending on your detailed custom requirements. Except for the size, we also can customize the style of the train ride, such as vintage train, high speed rail shape, Christmas ride on train, etc. The color and logo can be customized for free.
To know the detailed price of our small ride on train ride, please contact us now!
To Buy Cost Effective Miniature Trains for Sale at Dinis Manufacturer
Where can you buy a cost-effective rideable train amusement ride for your business? Dinis is you best choice. Because we not only give you affordable price, but also make sure the high quality and one-stop service of our mini trains for sale, which can help you save much costs.
On the one hand, we build a ride on train ride with premium materials, such as FRP, sheet metal, Aluminum, soft leather, etc. These materials ensure the long time longevity of the train and the long-term profits of your business.
What Special Offers You Can Get of the Mini Ride on Train for Sale at Dinis?
Buy Dinis miniature rideable train ride, you will get 8-10% discount of the final quote. And the more trains you buy, the more special offers you will enjoy. So if you plan to add a small ride on train ride for your 2025 amusement business, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and don’t miss our special offers.
All in all, the mini rideable train amusement ride at Dinis costs from $9,500 to $15,000 and more, depending on your special custom needs. Choose us, you will get long term revenue and complete after service. Why wait? Feel free to contact us right now and get a free quote.